Thursday, June 4, 2009

Prior to Leaving

1. My personal goals for the international internship:
Have a rich cultural experience, immerse in the language (colloquialisms), food, customs, ideas, vision, environment, weather, and overall climate of South Africa.
2. Professional leadership goals for the international internship:
See the core of education in its most basic form, removed from luxuries, excess and “fillers” as we often see in our American schools; see functionality and progress with limited resources.
3. Aspects of the culture I particularly hope to observe and study during the trip:
Teacher/student relations (rapport, respect, trust, co-dependency, growth).
Male/female differences in labor, dress, duties, responsibilities, etc.
White/Black relations, differences, points of view, stereotypes, communication, collaboration, etc.
4. Audiences I will share my experiences with upon returning:
My family, my friends, my students, my co-workers, & my administrative leaders.

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